Compliance Podcast Series: Episode 3 – Regulatory Changes on the Horizon for UK Firms

In our five-part podcast post series with the Compliance Podcast Network, we explore messaging compliance in a shifting regulatory landscape.

28 July 2023 2 mins read
By Jennie Clarke

Listen in to learn:

  • How the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulations compare
  • The impact of the merger of Credit Suisse and UBS
  • The current landscape of Data Protection and Operational Resilience in the UK

In our five-part podcast series in partnership with the Compliance Podcast Network, we explore messaging compliance in a shifting regulatory landscape.

Episode 3: Regulatory Changes on the Horizon for UK Firms

Global Relay’s compliance experts recently sat down with Tom Fox from the Compliance Podcast Network to explore the evolving U.S. and U.K. regulatory framework for the capture of business communications via popular messaging apps, like WhatsApp and WeChat among others.

In our third episode, Rob Mason, Global Relay Director of Regulatory Intelligence, shares his insights on the U.K. regulatory landscape. Drawing on his background working at Lloyds Banking Group, UBS, and the UK’s conduct regulator, Rob explores the evolving remit of the FCA, the need for effective communications monitoring to avoid scandal, and how to balance surveillance and data privacy.

In this episode: Rob Mason

Rob Mason Headshot

Rob is Director, Regulatory Intelligence at Global Relay, joining in 2023. Previously he held a wide variety of roles, including as a trader, regulator, compliance officer, and surveillance technology vendor. He has worked in senior positions at UBS and Lloyds Banking Group, and spent five years at the FCA, supervising Market Abuse Regulation and leading Operation Tabernula, the regulator’s largest insider dealing enforcement case.

Listen now

Listen to Episode 3 – Regulatory Changes on the Horizon for UK Firms now, as well as the rest of the series, including episodes covering the dynamic between innovation and regulation, the importance of operational risk management, the evolution of surveillance practices, and how organizations find the right device and compliance policy for their needs.

Our industry insight report into Compliant Communications sheds more light onto how compliance teams are managing off-channel communications. If you’d like to know more about how the Global Relay App can empower your communications compliance across multiple channels, contact us today.