Regulatory Compliance

The SEC sweeps, the SEC scores – five further firms fined under Marketing Rule

The SEC has fined five registered investment advisers for hypothetical performance advertising, hindering their consumers’ ability to make an informed judgment around financial decisions. Now, the regulator is spelling the dos and don’ts of the Marketing Rule.

6 tips to enhance eDiscovery practices

Have you considered if your firm has sound eDiscovery processes in place? Learn more about the top tips you can employ in preparation for a potential investigation or audit.

Remediate, recordkeep, rinse, repeat – SEC sets out decision making process behind recordkeeping fines

The SEC sets out the rationale behind its recordkeeping enforcements, increasing its transparency and pushing for greater accountability across the industry.

On the books – FINRA fine proves marketing comms can be a recordkeeping risk

A recent fine issued by FINRA for a firm’s failure to preserve marketing communications has added yet more fuel to the current regulatory focus on marketing, recordkeeping, and social media.

Case-by-Case: FCA clarifies how new “name and shame” approach will be implemented

In a recent webinar, Therese Chambers, Joint Executive Director of Enforcement and Market Oversight, FCA, detailed how the regulator will implement its new “name and shame” approach to investigations – and how it will act as a deterrent.

Panel discussion: What can 10,000 financial services firms tell us about communications capture?

Watch on demand: A panel of communications compliance and surveillance experts discuss the findings of our Data Insights: Compliant Communications report, and what they mean for communications capture.

Name and shame – FCA vows more transparency to increase deterrence

The Financial Conduct Authority has set out its commitment to increasing transparency of its investigations, intending its new “name and shame” strategy to deter firms and individuals from non-compliance.

Regulatory Wrap Episode 18: Market Watch 76 – Decoding Market Dynamics and the FCA’s Evolution

In Regulatory Wrap for the week to February 9, 2024, we share insight into the FCA's recently published Market Watch 76 report, and how concerns around potential market abuse and 'flying and printing' that were first raised back in 2015 are still causing regulatory rumblings today.

Why cybersecurity is the one to watch for global regulators in 2024

Rapid digitalization and technological innovation have offered a wealth of advantages to financial industry practices by redefining business operations. Though, consequently, the threat to cybersecurity is as present as ever. How have regulators begun to maneuver this pressing matter? And will it be a trend to watch in the coming year?


Conduct, culture, and compliance: A fireside chat with the FCA

Watch on demand: The FCA's Jamie Bell joins Global Relay's Rob Mason to discuss the regulator's approach to recordkeeping, emerging technology, and much more.

Letter of intent – FCA requests non-financial misconduct data from insurance firms

The FCA has continued its focus on non-financial misconduct by issuing a letter to insurers and insurance agents requesting information on NFM incidents at firms – including the outcomes of these incidents.