Regulatory Wrap Episode 11

Regulatory Wrap Episode 11: Evaluating Trends Over The Years – WhatsApp & SMS – But What’s Next?

In Regulatory Wrap for the week to October 27, 2023, Jennie Clarke explores regulatory enforcement trends from throughout the year - and what these can tell us about potential trends for 2024

27 October 2023 2 mins read
By Jay Hampshire

In Regulatory Wrap for the week to October 27, 2023:

In this Regulatory Wrap, we explore the regulatory enforcement trends from throughout the year – and what these can tell us about potential trends for 2024.


1. Throughout 2023, the majority of regulatory enforcement actions against off-channel comms have been for WhatsApp and SMS use

2. Inevitably, as 2024 approaches, questions are being asked about which channels will be the next to fall in the regulatory firing line

3. Sources close to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have indicated Zoom and Microsoft Teams are likely targets

4. With video suggested as a focus area, this presents firms challenges with capturing and storing high volumes of video content

5. We may see this shift happen even quicker if enforcement actions focus on behaviors that can only be captured via video channels

This Regulatory Wrap is brought to you by Global Relay’s Head of Content, Jennifer Clarke.

Global Relay has a suite of compliance tools to help you meet recordkeeping requirements and mitigate the risk of being featured in the SEC’s Enforcement Results.