Regulatory Wrap episode 5

Regulatory Wrap Episode 5: SEC’s New Marketing Rule Enforcement

In Regulatory Wrap for the week to September 15, 2023, we take a look at the SEC's Marketing Rule and important enforcement action surrounding the topic.

15 September 2023 2 mins read
By Jennie Clarke

In Regulatory Wrap for the week to September 15, 2023:

In this Regulatory Wrap we explore the SEC’s Marketing Rule which came into force in November 2022. Despite confusion about how to comply with the Marketing Rule, the SEC has repeatedly warned firms that it will be a key area of focus in 2023 and beyond. This week, the SEC showed that it is taking Marketing Rule compliance seriously, and issued fines to 9 advisory firms for failures.


1. The SEC has repeatedly warned firms that it would be conducting thematic reviews for compliance with its new Marketing Rule

2. In the week to September 15, the SEC showed it has teeth, by issuing fines to 9 advisory firms for Marketing Rule failures

3. It’s clear that recordkeeping obligations now extend far beyond traditional channels, to websites and even social media too

This Regulatory Wrap is brought to you by Global Relay’s Head of Content, Jennie Clarke.

If you’re looking to capture marketing communications to meet Marketing Rule obligations, Global Relay has a solution.