FCA Conduct, Culture, and Compliance Event

Conduct, culture, and compliance: A fireside chat with the FCA

Watch on demand: The FCA's Jamie Bell joins Global Relay's Rob Mason to discuss the regulator's approach to recordkeeping, emerging technology, and much more.

16 February 2024 1 mins read
By Jennie Clarke

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On February 7, 2024, we were joined by Jamie Bell, Head of Secondary Market Oversight at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), for a fireside chat as part of our Conduct, Culture, and Compliance event. Held at our London offices, the session saw Rob Mason, our Director of Regulatory Intelligence, discuss regulatory trends and challenges for the year to come.

Watch as Jamie and Rob discuss:

  • Regulatory focus around non-financial misconduct (NFM), and why the FCA is sending thousands of letters asking firms to report on instances of NFM
  • Whether the FCA will follow US regulators’ lead in issuing aggressive fines for recordkeeping failures and off-channel comms
  • The FCA’s plans for AI, crypto, and social media – as well as its regulatory stance for the year ahead

If you would be interested in attending future events, including fireside chats and roundtables with industry thought leaders, please contact events@globalrelay.net


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Published 16 February 2024

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