Recordkeeping rules

Remediate, recordkeep, rinse, repeat – SEC sets out decision making process behind recordkeeping fines

The SEC sets out the rationale behind its recordkeeping enforcements, increasing its transparency and pushing for greater accountability across the industry.

Compliant communications Q&A: 4 ways to combat common challenges

Compliant communication – what makes it so difficult to control? Financial experts unpack the challenges that coincide with communications, especially when contending with new channels and rigorous regulatory enforcement, and answer pressing questions on how best to navigate them.

Will the FCA crack down on WhatsApp? What happened and what’s next

Multiple U.S. and U.K. regulators have taken enforcement action against firms for off-channel communications on WhatsApp, however, the primary U.K. regulator is yet to make it a clear priority. What can we expect from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) going forward?

What do the SEC enforcement results tell us about compliance trends?

With the Securities and Exchange Commission releasing its annual enforcement results, we explore what they convey about regulatory priorities over the last year – and for the year to come.

What is SEC Rule 18a-6? Ensure you are ready for implementation

Last year, SEC Rule 18a-6 was amended alongside Rule 17a-4, marking the first time SBSDs and MSBSPs became subject to regulatory requirements around electronic recordkeeping. As the compliance date for this rule approaches, what steps do swap-dealers and participants need to take to ensure regulatory compliance?

Working as Advertised – SEC Marketing Rule enforcements hit nine firms with $850,000 in fines

The SEC has charged nine RIAs with breaching its Marketing Rule by advertising ‘hypothetical performance’ to the general public. With fines totalling $850,000 the regulator is making it clear that the answer to ‘are we compliant?’ should never be a hypothetical.

Regulators throw the book at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup for recordkeeping failures

Enforcement actions from the SEC and CFTC against Citigroup and Goldman Sachs showcase that compliant recordkeeping is high on the regulatory agenda.

SEC brings recordkeeping into the 21st century with Rule 17a-4 amendments

The SEC has made amendments to recordkeeping Rule 17a-4 for the first time in 25 years. But what do the amendments mean, and how can firms prepare?

SEC brings recordkeeping into the 21st century with Rule 17a-4 amendments

The SEC has made amendments to recordkeeping Rule 17a-4 for the first time in 25 years. But what do the amendments mean, and how can firms prepare?