Category: Enterprise collaboration

Global Relay for Salesforce Chatter

Collaborate compliantly by capturing all Salesforce Chatter conversations, comments, files, and direct messages with Global Relay for Salesforce Chatter.

Key Differentiators

What is Global Relay for Salesforce Chatter?

Financial regulators require that all communication and collaboration data for business purposes be captured and stored compliantly. Global Relay for Salesforce Chatter captures Salesforce chats directly from source through a Salesforce Chatter API, and delivers them securely into your compliant archive.

What are the key benefits of Global Relay for Salesforce Chatter?

With Global Relay’s Salesforce Chatter Connector, you can ensure you’re capturing and archiving Chatter messages completely, without the risk of lost data or metadata. As well as meeting regulatory recordkeeping requirements to archive Salesforce Chatter, you can save time often lost to manual tagging and data classification. With Global Relay, all your communication data is enriched and structured, enabling you to conduct thorough reviews and fast searches – with message trails at your fingertips.

Ensure operational effectiveness with Global Relay’s expert support team on hand to provide ongoing maintenance and upgrades, whenever you need them. Mitigate the risk associated with multiple third-party vendors by consolidating your communication compliance tools with Global Relay’s end-to-end solution.

Key features of Global Relay for Salesforce Chatter

  • Capture Salesforce Chatter activity and have conversations threaded for easy review
  • Easy setup through Salesforce App Exchange
  • Selective user Archiving enabled
  • Captured data can be routed to Global Relay Archive and searched/retrieved in seconds with advanced functionality
  • Salesforce Chatter Posts – including edits and deletions
  • Comments – including edits and deletions
  • Files and link attachments within Salesforce Chatter – including edits and deletions
  • Polls
  • Questions – including edits and deletions
  • Group contents
  • News feeds
  • Announcements – including edits and deletions
  • You will need to be on Salesforce Enterprise edition
  • Salesforce Chatter should be enabled for all users
  • Salesforce admin to install and configure Global Relay Archive for Salesforce Chatter

Empower your organization by delivering Salesforce Chatter data to Global Relay Archive:

  • Reconcile and unify your Salesforce Chatter data with all of your other electronic communications, voice, video, chat, social media, trade data, and files
  • Preserve tamperproof records, including automated audit trails of all actions, with optional WORM-compliant storage
  • Get a full picture of who said what, when, and to whom
  • Enrich your Salesforce Chatter data with dynamic AI models and participant-based classification
  • Manage the data lifecycle with flexible retention terms, data residency options, and defensible deletion policies
  • Apply dynamic, automated legal holds
  • Perform advanced search and retrieval across all data in seconds
  • Empower your Legal, Compliance, Security, and Business teams with private workspaces (Functions) to access and analyze data
  • Streamline eDiscovery and early case assessment using advanced classification and AI, case management tools, timelines, and data visualizations
  • Detect policy violations using surveillance monitoring and AI-enabled behavioral analytics
  • Efficiently supervise employee communications using AI models, lexicons, classification, and flexible policies
  • Review conversations in context with intelligent threading of messages
  • Securely share data and ideas with built-in collaboration tools
  • Work with structured, enriched, and easily readable data to get complete and accurate discovery results

Other connectors in this category:

Capture Your Salesforce Chatter Data