Category: Global Relay API

Conversation Archiving API

Global Relay Conversation Archiving REST API, provides the conduit to seamlessly integrate your messaging platform to securely capture and preserve your conversations in to the Global Relay Archive. Regardless of your messaging platform or the complexity of your data, you control how your conversations are structured in the Archive, ensuring your unique compliance and business requirements are always met. 

Key Differentiators

  • Send your data with confidence from any messaging platform, one-to-one or multi-party conversations, knowing all your data is captured in the Global Relay Archive.
  • Full end-to-end encryption and built-in data validation with industry-standard OAuth 2.0, ensuring your data is secure and accurate.
  • Control how your conversations are structured in the Archive, the frequency you capture them, the threaded conversations participants, include enriched metadata, send your files and more.
  • Empower your Legal, Compliance, Security, and Business teams with private workspaces (Functions) to access and analyze data.
  • Streamline eDiscovery and early case assessment using advanced classification and AI, case management tools, timelines, and data visualizations.
  • Detect policy violations using surveillance monitoring and AI-enabled behavioural analytics.
  • Review conversations in context with intelligent threading of messages.
  • Work with structured, enriched, custom headers and easily readable data to get complete and accurate discovery results.
  • Message sending
  • Replies
  • Reactions
  • Edits
  • Deletions
  • File sharing
  • Inline images
  • Meeting event
  • Users joining or leaving
  • Administrator changes

Other connectors in this category:

Capture Your Conversation Archiving API Data